Discover India

Discover India and discover yourself Internships

We offer Internships as a teaching assistant in Indian rural schools, in conjunction with our partner company in India TalentEase, which runs the LightLives programme on a not for profit basis to expand school provision in rural areas for India’s 400 million children.

TalentEase focuses on improving the employability and entrepreneurial skills of Indian school children, to equip them with leadership skills for life after school. Their LightLives programme is their not for profit contribution to improve the education of India’s rural school children. However as its name suggests it is also about helping the children to light up our lives.

Why India and why discover yourself?

We have chosen India firstly because of the degree of challenge which India provides – and which ultimately makes your learning of true life changing significance, and secondly because of the future business opportunities and competitive pressures which India will provide. For further information on India’s projected growth rates click here. Our internships will be of interest to students and graduates who want to learn about themselves within the context of an India which will be an influential global player in the near future.

Your Learning experience in India will be immense. You have no option other than to spend week one absorbing and coming to terms with how very different all aspects of life are in India – all your senses are overwhelmed, and the normal ways of working and living are very different. Only once you have come to terms with this environment can you start to take on board the innovative ways of working which India excels at.

All our internships offer opportunities to learn new skills, share knowledge and gain confidence through dealing with different people, cultures and lifestyles completely different to those you are familiar with at home. Our internships are all about what you learn about yourself, as well as what you learn from others.

Before you go we ask you to undertake two diagnostic assessments which give you an insight into your personality and preferred strengths. We give you an induction in both the UK before you go and in India when you arrive to prepare you. We provide you with an experienced support resource in India to help you deal with the challenges you face. We provide you with a personal Development report at the end of your internship which you can use with future employers. This will include the diagnostic findings, detail about your role at the school, input from the school and TalentEase, and your own self-assessment.