
Teacher Testimonials

“We got back from an amazing trip last night - all well and in one piece. The organisation was incredible. I felt very safe in the hands of the guides who were with us and the TalentEase people were great. The girls have had an experience of a lifetime.”

Mrs K Jones

Deputy Head, Bedford Girls School

“The trip we undertook to India was far more than we were expecting in terms of value for money, experiences, interactions etc., I could go on forever! However, without a shadow of a doubt it was the personal development that our students and indeed the staff were exposed to and worked through that was the most enriching. I have placed on record already in several areas of both my professional and personal life that the Discover India trip was quite simply by far and away the most impactful initiative that I have been involved in during a 25 years teaching career.

To give context I have experience with numerous charitable organisations, sat on various executives, worked in an inner city and with education welfare – this trip not only surpassed all of my previous experiences by a margin but it exceeded our expectations completely. An emotional, humbling and life-changing experience that has given me personally a new perspective that has been welcome. Having already had a reunion with the group that undertook the trip – it is clear that we are all feeling the same”.

John White

Director of 6th form at Bedford Modern School