
  • The ultimate challenge for Artificial Intelligence in the workplace?

    The ultimate challenge for Artificial Intelligence in the workplace?

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  • British Companies need new business skills for India

    British Companies need new business skills for India

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  • Gender Diversity – it’s time for something different.

    Gender Diversity – it’s time for something different.

    As we celebrate International Women’s Day David Evans argues for a radical change in how we tackle Gender diversity.

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  • "Diversity Policies Rarely Make Companies Fairer, and They Feel Threatening to White Men"

    This article resonates! My main success when I was sponsoring Diversity in a global company was to make the majority of staff (male white men) realise that this “diversity stuff” actually relates to me – for example through a broader focus on enablement, mental health and family.

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  • "How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth"

    The Managing Director of The Diversity & Innovation company was privileged to hear Vivian Hunt, Director and Managing partner of McKinsey UK and Ireland talk about the global opportunity around women’s equality at the Institute of Directors’ recent Women in Business conference. McKinsey continue to provide strong thought leadership on diversity and the economic prize available.

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  • "Gender equality: Taking stock of where we are"

    McKinsey are to be congratulated for their candid assessment of their continuing challenge to achieve gender equality. The good news is McKinsey refer to the “efforts under way to challenge fundamental mind-sets and behaviors inside the firm”. At The Diversity & Innovation Company we believe the key to making breakthrough progress on diversity is to address the “Empathy Gap” through our immersion experiences.

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  • "Empathy Is Still Lacking in the Leaders Who Need It Most"

    This is a cracking article by Ernest J. Wilson III of University of Southern California about Empathy being the main foundation of 5 attributes of successful leaders.

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  • Want To Field A Winning Team? Try Equality

    Want To Field A Winning Team? Try Equality

    Two organizational behaviour professors have come up with what they call a simple but nonetheless magical formula for putting together a winning team. The two, Roderick Swaab of the INSEAD Business School in Singapore, and Adam Galinsky of Columbia Business School in New York City, studied FIFA data from 199 national football teams (“soccer” to those of you living in the land mass between Canada and Mexico) between 2006 – the date the world football organization introduced more precise ranking metrics – and 2011.

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  • “I had no idea how little men respect women until I became one…..”

    “I had no idea how little men respect women until I became one…..”

    I read two articles in The Times newspaper on Friday 28 August 2015 which illustrate a common challenge for business leaders, and link back to the main reason why we established The Diversity & Innovation Company.

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  • "How a shared sense of integrity brings leaders together"

    This article is a useful contribution to the current hot discussion on how to achieve successful leadership in the global operating environment. Our leadership development programmes based around Indian rural schools help create the self-awareness and empathy which complement the sense of integrity.

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