What are Leadership development for organisations?

As a participant on a Leadership development for organisations project you gain experience of living and working in a developing and emerging market, and learn a new set of work skills in a challenging commercial and societal context, including how to operate and innovate in a complex and extremely resource constrained environment.

Indian Shop

Leadership development for organisations projects will be of interest to companies looking at opportunities such as:

Business Development programmes which are tailored to meet the needs of a global business, e.g. international expansion into developing and emerging markets, the development of products and marketing approaches for multiple geographies, and different market formats.

A company-wide leadership development programme. This could be at graduate entry level, or for high flier graduates identified at the end of the graduate programme, or for high potential managers. In essence companies can run talent programmes for their future international leadership at several stages in their career – to ensure consistent ways of thinking about customers, managing products and managing people – and to deliver a greater and earlier return on investment.

Leadership development for organisations

We will work with you to create a development project which exactly addresses the Diversity or business challenge your company wants to address.

D&E market project

Core elements of any programme include:

  • UK based introduction to India and a teacher skills module in a UK school
  • India based Induction
  • An assignment working as a teaching assistant in an Indian rural school
  • India based support resource to assist with accommodation, transport and other issues
  • Reflection and Input sessions run by TalentEase which explain India’s commercial context, Jugaad innovation and managing through chaos

Optional elements can be added:

  • Coaching and facilitation by facilitators experienced in working in global companies
  • Visits to innovative Indian companies
  • An assignment working with Talentease, our Indian partner to run their leadership skills courses in Indian schools and colleges
  • A project role focused on rolling out the LightLives programme to new schools